Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our garden is looking great!!
I still need to plant the green beans and the carrots tomorrow
The corn sprouted over the weekend! I'm so excited about it! Our garden is looking pretty good. Lettuce is growing well, we have spinach, tomatoes, corn, zuccini, cucumbers,jalepeno's, red peppers, and cabbage! Our compost pile is doing well also! I turned it the other day and there was really dirt! tons of worms, bugs and all the good stuff that makes good dirt! So simple, no stink like I was scared of and all natural! I saw a ton of birds eating some bread out of it today. that is fine with me I hope they got full bellies out of the deal!
Also, we did some landscaping stuff and the yard is really coming together I've put in some great pictures to show some of the girls and thier daddy working in the yard. For some reason madelyn insists on eating dirt!!I have to laugh at how madelyn won't crawl on her knees in the dirt. she crawls on her hands and feet. tried to get a good picture but the camera thought it was night time for some crazy reason! these girls love to play in the dirt! but don't dare show lily a worm! She freaks out and refuses to touch it... speaking of which... I found the longest worm EVER today!! it had to be like at least a foot long unstreched. almost snake like! anyways... I am keeping my fingers crossed that the corn pollenates and harvest will be good for us this year!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

a few things to stock at main street

Stocking these yummy yarns on main street May 3rd. There's more to come I'm just waiting for it all to dry!

The one with purple in it Is called "my little pony" On 4.5oz of BFL
The Green one is called "tree of life"
The orange one is called "lemon chiffon" And will be part of a collab with Lil birdie bottoms and Jody's designs! There will be a woolie wash bar and Jody is going to crochet up the yarn! Should be awesome!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A few new colorways and joining a new congo!

Alright First off I want to say I am joining a new Congo on HC! I'm joining the Main Street Congo. It's full of really sweet fun ladies and I'm very excited to stock there! Now on to other fun yarn things. I've got some new colorways and just wanted to post some pics of what I've been up to since it's been a bit since I posted a blog. I plan on doing a whole lot of dying and getting some new colorways to stock at the new congo! Also, don't forget to check out Crunchy congo first wed in april were doing an easter egg hunt and there will be some really great prizes!

and the garden is underway!

My sweet husband hand tilled my whole garden area today! so next weekend we will get to start planting! I am planning on having cucumbers, peppers, jalepenos, one pumpkin plant, squash, and some others. The city came and cut down all the trees out of the power lines. so we went ahead and chopped the rest of them down. Normally I'm not one for just cutting trees down for the fun of it but these had to go. our yarn get's no sun with them there! almost all the wood is gone or we have it chopped up and saving it. We'll have firewood for at least a few years! Planning on extending our deck out about 7-10 feet with flagstone and building a firepit in it. will be nice. This picture is jeremy only 1/4 the way started on getting the garden worked up. I can't wait to take a pic of it all done to share! and I really can't wait to reap the benefits!

Monday, February 23, 2009

in my mailbox today!

I am so excited! I got 1.5 kilo's of BFL today! and I got a lb of Certified organic gaia wool that is already almost all skeined out. that stuff is so soft!! I also got a line counter to tell me how many yards I've skeined off. Right now as I speak.. uhum type my wonderful husband is making me a yarn swift so I can get the rest of the yarn skeined out in a timely manner! I will be a dyeing fool all week! My grand opening on the crunchy congo went really well. I almost all sold out. There's still one more skein left of "baby dust" on peruvian wool. If noone buys it though I'll just have to knit it up myself. I sewed lily a dress last night. It's a reversable pinafore dress. It's just adorable! I am going to e making madelyn a matching one and if there is enough fabric left I plan on making my niece a matching one too! Ok back to dyeing.

Monday, February 9, 2009

cutest thing!

I got this adorable headband in the mail today from a wonderful woman. She knew madelyn has no hair so she made this band that you can hook a bow onto! Seriously adorable! I just had to post it! Lily and I also got matching aprons. and Madelyn got a bib that matches our aprons. I couldn't have been more excited going to my mailbox today!

Shuree's Little Yarn Barn

Will be joining the Crunchy congo. at I will be testing the waters with this in the hopes of opening my Own shop soon. I will have my first stocking on March 4th at noon! I plan on having some Lovely BFL stocking in some georgous spring colors! So much to do so little time!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Decided on a name

I've decided on a name for my little online yarn shop. I have decided to call it The little Yarn Barn. What do you think? I had a lot of great names. some were silly some were wonderful but sounded to much like another store. I know there's a yarn barn already in ks. but I think I'm going to add on and I hope it doesn't upset the yarn barn in lawrence.
today was a beautiful day in kansas! the weather was in the 70s and we took a great bike ride!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ok so I've not posted because I've been working my ass off. Literally! I've lost 4 pounds this week. How exciting! I did a turbo kick class this am. that was a great time!

I was recently asked if I would be interested in joining a congo on hyena cart as a Yarn vendor. I would really like to do this and am just waiting to see if I am accepted by all the members. I really enjoy dyeing my yarn and have sold some of it. Here's an example of what I did on some Bluefaced leicaster yarn. oh so yummy! dying is more satisfying than knitting for me. It's instant and I like instant!

This Colorway Is what I call "out to sea" I sold it before getting to see what it looked like knitted up.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

yeah I'm behind

alright so I haven't posted my food for a few days. so shoot me j/k I've overeaten. Thursday I made some YUMMY enchiladas and ate 2 of them. yesterday I was so sick with a cold that I'm still fighting. but anyways ate to much at my Sister in law's house. not to much going on here. I ran 2 miles today! that was pretty big for me! ok will post tomorrow :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

day 2.

Today I tried to eat better.
Breakfast - nothing again. Was very busy up untill lunch
Lunch- Turkey sandwich
Dinner- Pork tenderloins in cream of mushroom sauce with white rice. It was so freakin good I had to have 2 helpings!
I also had a nice green salad.
I ran on the treadmill for 12 min and hopped on the eliptical for a few. Wanted to stay longer but the batteries died in my mp3 and I was bored. will get to the gym tomorrow.

Not sure how many 2 year olds choose salad over other types of food. Lily loves salad! She will eat a whole bowl of salad and not even touch her main meal. Silly kid. took this picture of her last night and I just have to share It's one of my favorite of lily

Madelyn was sick all day. Last night she got a fever of 101.5 Held off on the tylenol. I wanted to let the fever do it's job. I did end up giving her some tylenol mid morning because I knew she didn't feel well. Poor baby She slept most of the entire day! You gotta check out the diaper I made today. I already posted about it though.

lookie what I made!

I made this out of that material that is softer than the minkey! so I put a backing of fleece on the minkey stuff. not sure what it's eally called though. Anyways, the apple fabric is flannel. So this should be a waterproof diaper. Oh it's a pocket. I'm a little worried how this fabric will hold up in the wash. the lady at the store said it should be fine though. We'll see.

I also made this the other day. Another from the RRP pattern. The outer is tie die fleece and the inner is regular old flannel. I just use pf's to stuff. I've now made 4 diapers!!

The pink diaper is so very soft! I just want to snuggle it. I may make a nice pillow with the extra I have.

Monday, January 19, 2009

day one...

Day one of journaling my food. Lets see what did I eat today.
Breakfast- Nothing. (I know it's themost important meal of the day I just wasn't hungry yet)
Lunch- Leftover turkey and mashed potatoes
Dinner- Salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, and light cesar dressing.
1 grilled pork strip
8 glasses of water today!

Grandparents took both girls swimming this afternoon and I've had a great time with hubby. NO KIDS!!!

today I ran on the treadmil. I am usually not a runner. I get bored very easily on the treadmill. However since I have music now I found it's much easier to run. Last time I attempted a run I was about to keel over before I even got 3 min. Today I ran for 1.5 miles! I could have gone longer but I decided to go and take the muscle pump class. man that was great! That class works every muscle group for about 4 minuites each. The class went by so fast I will definantly go back there.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


hubby got the fence put up around the compost pile. not sure if I posted about that already or not. Suzie's doing a good job of keeping the squirels out. Suzie got something cornered and trapped under the back deck the other day. I kept trying to keep her inside so whatever it was could go out but whatver it was wouldn't come out. Finally did at night.
so I sewed up a ring sling that has turned out to be so useful!! I plan on making at least a few more. they are so easy and the instructions for how to do them are on Also, I found a great tutorial on the no sew ring sling on youtube. just type no sew ringsling and it will pop right up. so handy. hmmm.... let's see what else has been going on.

Lily has learned to open up her own bedroom door. yeah that's no fun!!! she keeps coming out at 3am to come and sleep with us or just pay a visit. friday Jeremy got up because he heard the tv on well, he got out of bed and heard lily running into her own room and slammed the door. He came out to the livingroom and found suzie snuggled under the blankets and the tv on. silly girl. If you have any tips on how to get lily to sleep all night I am open to any and all ideas. short of locking her in her room that is.

I will start my food journal tomorrow so tonight is fair game. will be enjoying a nice bowl of ice cream. I was out shopping today and just for fun tried on a bikini. well, I can almost pull it off! I just need to lose about 10 more pounds by spring. and hit the tanning bed up! I know that's not earth friendly at all so maybe I"ll look into other options. Old navy is having some great deals going on right now. but still I restrained from buying anything there! Ok will hit up the gym tomorrow am. I will probably be back in a bit when I think of something great to write about:)

Oh we went on a great bike ride today. The weather was beautiful!! Suzie even got to go. The girls looked so cute snuggled together in their bike trailer. Suzie is nice and worn out. snoozin the floor like a good girl. She sure deserves it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Everyone has a first post...Right?

Ok, so I feel this first post has to be much like 99% of all the other "first posts" I've ever read. I have to talk about me and my beautiful family. My name is Shuree I'm 25 y/o SAHM to 2 beautiful Girls who you will hear tons about. Lillian or "lily" just turned 2 in december and I'll tell ya only a few days into the terrible two's and I'm already over them. she's really a sweet little girl though. Very funny and happy go lucky. She's talking up a storm and is repeating everything! More on her later. Madleyn is 8 months old and she's a little diva. Very finicky wants things her way in her time. The absolute opposite from lily. She's crawling, babbling, and figuring things out. It's almost like she has decided she doesn't have time to sit around and be a baby. There's fun to be had! Jeremy is my husband. What can I say about him except he's the most wonderful man in the world. Even when I'm mad at him he's still amazing. Funny in a dry sort of way, super sexy, thoughtful, caring and his family is his number 1 interest. I love that we come first for him. We have been married 2 years and it's been really great. Maybe the novelty of playing house just hasn't worn off yet. LOL! But really I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with this man. He puts up with all my craziness. Which leads me to my next topic :)
Our or rather MY new years resolution was to use less and conserve more. I guess I am just wanting to do more for the planet my childeren and grandchilderen will live on. So far I cloth diaper and while I know that reduces a lot of waste I just feel like I want to do more. So a lot of my blog will be our road to going green. everything from starting to recycle, to starting up my compost pile then in the spring I'll show off my garden. I really love to garden. I have a lot of crazy hobbies but I get bored rather quickly and move on to the next one. I taught myself to knit and that was fun. Then I taught myself to dye wool yarn I still like to do that too. most recently I sewed my first diaper last night! I think I'll leave the sewing to other people. I've met a lot of wonderful women though the various forums I frequent and I hope some of them will stop in and visit my blog :) Ok so, how was that for a first post?