Sunday, March 22, 2009

A few new colorways and joining a new congo!

Alright First off I want to say I am joining a new Congo on HC! I'm joining the Main Street Congo. It's full of really sweet fun ladies and I'm very excited to stock there! Now on to other fun yarn things. I've got some new colorways and just wanted to post some pics of what I've been up to since it's been a bit since I posted a blog. I plan on doing a whole lot of dying and getting some new colorways to stock at the new congo! Also, don't forget to check out Crunchy congo first wed in april were doing an easter egg hunt and there will be some really great prizes!

1 comment:

  1. All of that yarn looks soo yummy. The colorways are just beautiful. I can't wait to see how my custom turns out. :)
